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Support Elizabeth!
TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
Milestone - Level 5
Raised $1,000
Miss Elizabeth Vasiu
189 percent of goal achieved.
Goal: $750.00
Achieved: $1,414.00

Make a gift!

Fundraising Honor Roll

Thanks for visiting my web page for the Walk for St. Mary's Kids.

Since I turned three in February, I wake up each morning and look forward to getting on the school bus to go to pre-school at St. Mary's.  I am so excited for my first fundraising walk since I have just started walking on my own! 

I am walking with my family to help raise funds and awareness to support kids, just like me, with special needs. 

My friends, teachers, and therapists at St. Mary's are amazing; please make a donation or join my team today and help make a difference for some of New York's most remarkable children.



Love From,



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